Friday, September 28, 2007

Delicious Indeed

I have been away for awhile. I am heading up to Greensboro with four guys I grew up with to see Van Halen. We have known each other since the fourth grade. That situation is rarer and rarer these days. I enjoyed using Delicious. However, I am still a little confused when using it. I enjoyed looking through the Popular Links page. I checked out the Muscle Building discussion. It seems that there is always interesting discussion on proper technique. I added Blenheim Ginger Ale Homage site to my links. As mentioned on the site, it is hard to find. They used to have it at Piggly Wiggly. I haven't seen it there for over a year. I am wondering if Boone Hall Farms down the road may have it. However, I am not inclined to make that drive this week. Although I work at the Mt. Pleasant Branch, it is traffic city down that direction. After all, I'm from James Island Bo!!!! We from James Island spend as limited time as possible in Mt. Pleasant. It is a proven scientific fact!!