Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Flickr is a Woodpecker

Within Flickr, I found an awesome picture of Alex Van Halen's Drum Set.
However, along with that photo was a series of Classic Car Photos. Above the Photo(s) was mention of The Peterson In Los Angeles. I thought " is this a car museum..a rock museum or
what? I was hoping for an explanation within the post. However, I did not see one. I opened another window and did a search for "museum" "los angeles" "peterson" and discovered that it is an Automobile Museum . However, the show I saw was Cars and Guitars which has apparently been held over till February 2008. I do find it funny that they included Alex Van Halen's Drum set in a Car and Guitars show. I must admit I was entertained and also angered by the comments underneath the drum set photo. Everybody was ripping Van Halen apart and comparing their sound with REO Speedwagon. I can understand the dislike . However, I strongly disagree . Classic Van Halen does not sound like REO Speedwagon. This is a scientific fact. I really like the poster behind the drums. I would like to have it for my room. I did find a killa shot of Elvis's Pantera on the actual Peterson sight. It was funny. After Alex van Halen's Drum Set, the photo didn't have captions. There were a series of famous guitars. I could guess some of them. Other, however, I was unsure of. You could see the information on the display case in the shots. however, they were too far away to read. Again, on the Drum photo captions, several people (many I think must have been from Great Britain or Australia, they said mates a lot) were tearing into Van Halen. I thought about post a comment talking about how great Van Halen is compared to REO Speedwagon. However, it would not change the posters' minds. Also, I do not feel that Old-School Van Halen needs any defense. The proof is in the pudding!! ZZZUUUPPP!!!!

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